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We need your help now

          Good afternoon folks! This might be a long one so please stay with me! As many of you know during a severe cold snap this winter we had a pipe burst inside the Burk. Luckily it didn’t seem to cause a lot of damage until they tried to turn the water off from the street and discovered that the water line from the street into the Burk was broken and needed replacement. THAT was a huge and unexpected problem. We asked for help and boy we got a lot of help. So many wonderful folks stepped up and made donations toward the water line repair. What a relief!

          When it was finally warm enough to break ground and excavate (and everyone’s schedules lined up) they started the repairs but once they got down there the folks working for us discovered that our sewer line ran very close to our water line and was being strangled and broken by the roots of a nearby tree.

          This created a secondary BIG TIME PROBLEM. And to be honest we are grateful it was caught NOW rather than later because the excavator was already there and the plumbers were able to take action to prevent a giant sewer mess. This could have been so much worse. So we are grateful. However the extra work has now doubled the original estimate. So rather than having a good portion of the bill covered by your donations we are looking at a bill that we have just a little more than one 3rd covered at this time.

         Yes, we are looking into grant monies to help cover some of the costs but those take time and we still need to pay this bill in a timely manner along with all of the other monthly costs of operating 3 historic properties especially as we approach our open season.

       So, we are asking for more help. If you can make a donation please reach out or send directly to 17 N William Street, Johnstown, NY 12095 OR via paypal through johnstownhistsoc@gmail.com Please be sure to note on your donation that this is for the water line repair.